Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mt. Rushmore, Casper and maybe a few things we forgot to mention.

 It was only a 12 mile ride from Hill City to Mt. Rushmore.  The road was full of curves and it was a joy to lean into the road.  When we got to the park, there was a special motorcycle lane which then led to a parking garage.  My first parking garage on a motorcycle!

Cindy and Maria were loving the scene at Rushmore!
Scott got some incredible pictures!

All of the flags from each state.
We stayed for about an hour and then we got back on the road which basically looked like this!

Miles of fields with an open road stretched out in front of us.  I held the group back in the morning.  I felt a lot of wind pushing the bike, the road wasn't in the best of shape and all the trucks, cars and campers made it a very interesting experience as they flew by me on the other side of the road.

We had lunch in a tiny cafe in the middle of no where.  We drove 100 miles and didn't see anything but fields.  The little town was called LUSK and since we had another 100 to go, we decided to gas up and the last chance gas station.

One of us entertained himself on the road by taking a selfie as he rode his bike at 70 mph.  Do not try this ever!
So the day was mostly riding through fields with nothing around.  We did see an incredibly long train full of cars full of coal.  Maria stopped counting at 113 cars.

Not a lot of pictures today but I did forget to post this from two days ago.  We met a guy named Dirk who was pulling a trailer behind his Gold Wing.  The trailer pops into a tent complete with a queen size bed.  Check it out!
Another great day with great friends.  To life and living behind bars!

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