Monday, August 8, 2016

Bill and Cindy's big adventure: Team Lill transports the bikes!

Step two, getting the bikes to Wyoming.  Team Lill headed out a little after 8 am on Friday morning.  Maria was there to see them off.  Bill was determined to get beyond Chicago on the first day.  I spent the day wondering what was happening and I finally texted Cindy at 6pm.

Julie:  So where are you guys and how goes the trip?
Cindy:  We are in Indiana.  Our room reservation for tonight is in Beloit Wisconsin.  Just over the Illinois border.  Everything is going very well.

At 8pm, about twelve hours later, Bill and Cindy were in Chicago.
$20.20 later they were through the Chicago Skyway toll.

At 11:37pm East Coast time, Cindy sent a text saying they were all checked in at the Mariott Fairfield in Beloit Wisconsin having traveled approximately 770 miles!

Saturday - Day two of Bill and Cindy's excellent adventure!

At 1pm Cindy sent us an update.  they have gone 1000 miles and used 111 gallons of gas.  They have started to see a number of motorcycles that look like they are on their way to Sturgis.
 Why is his helmut on the luggage rack?  No helmut law.

 Julie needs to get some hair extensions.

This guy, Cindy and Bill nicknamed wind burn.  It takes all kinds!  It seems like Saturday was a fun day watching out the  window.  All of these pictures were taken out of the truck going 75 miles an hour.  Bill had to fight some wind for a while.  There are windmills on both side of the road for quite a few miles.  Around 1000 in the area.

Day two was 760 miles in only 12 hours verses 770 in 15 hours yesterday.  No big cities just stretches of road.

A few bugs on the wind shield!  Two longs days of driving.  Destination is close!

Day Three of Bill and Cindy's excellent adventure

We're not the only ones headed to Sturgis!

Looks like Team Lill has made it to Wyoming!  

Back in Forest Lawn Team Catone and Team Cicora watched the sunset.  One more day before the six amigos are back together!

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