Monday, August 15, 2016

From Casper to Dubois and then the final ride back to Jackson! 1300 Miles Total!

We left the Days Inn in Casper at 8:30 am on Sunday and headed downtown.  We had seen signs on the highway for a store that had 9 stories of Western boots and clothing.

Even thought the sign said "You are always welcome" on Sundays, no.  It seems in the west, they take their sabbath seriously and this store was not going to open until noon.  I loved the clothes!  Scott loved the man's jacket.  None of us felt that we could wait around until noon so we hit the road. The road was deserted, straight and we let the horses have their heads.

These pictures are courtesy of Scott who was taking pictures while riding his motorcycle.  The road was a two way road with occasional passing lanes.  We would move over to the left and then it was "let the games begin".  Cars would pass and then get in between us and then have to wait until the next passing lane.  It was somewhat wild and certainly kept me on high alert.  There was really nothing between Casper and Dubois the next town we were going to stay.  So we just rode all the way to Dubois.  Dubois is a town of 900 people.

 We ended up in the Trails End motel.  Connected cabins.  We had lunch and then I discovered a new ride.  The "Jackolope".  I got on this animal and discovered the acceleration was incredible!

We spent the day looking at the little shops, eating lunch and relaxing on the deck of the Wind River. The men went to a bar and met Jimmy (picture Willy Nelson).  He was sitting at one end of the bar.  The bar tender was at the other end of the bar staring at her cell phone oblivious to Bill, Danny and Scott who wanted a drink.  Jimmy, offered to call her and dialed her number.  She saw the number come up on her phone and slowly turned her head to look down the bar at Jimmy with a look of disgust in her eye.  Then she noticed the 3 men waiting for a drink.

The men brought Jimmy a beer and he proceeded to share his story.  It seems that he works for beer and was employed by someone else in town for four beers per hour.  The guy he worked for owes him 200 beers!  Jimmy said that these were bar beers.  If they were case beers, he would need at least 600!  A new currency.

After checking out the shops, we relaxed by the river.

We did discover another wonderful resource in the area.

Scott found a drink called "Not your father's root beer".  It was lethal.  He bought a six pack back to the room.

 Bill and Cindy, walking the street of Dubois.  Notice it had just been stoned.  There was loose stone every where which is like ice to a motorcycle.  The town stoned their roads right before the biggest  Biker week of the summer.  They were supposed to clean up the loose stones before the weekend but their machines broke down.  I had to abandon my bike in the street and let Scott valet park it for me.  I could barely hold it up in the gravel.
We went to dinner and toasted our trip.

There were bats and moths on the deck at night.

The next morning we had some homemade donuts in Dubois before the 75 mile ride back to Jackson.

We then had an incredible ride to Jackson back through the mountains winding around and seeing the Grand Tetons appear as we rounded a corner.
 1300 miles later, we were all back in Jackson!

Time to get organized for the trip back to Webster.  Bikes and luggage into the trailer.

 We ended up at Bin 22 for dinner again.  Here is the final toast for the trip!  Everyone safe and happy!
And then, with no bikes left to ride, we all crammed into the mustang for the ride back to the hotel.
We all had an incredible time.  Amazing roads, unforgettable company, and great times.  Our wish for Wyoming was captured by a sign Bill saw in the Wort Hotel.
Good bye Wyoming, Safe Travels Bill and Cindy.  A HUGE thanks to team Lill for shlepping the bikes back and forth.  We love you, keep us updated on your progress.  Check back here for Bill and Cindy's adventure part II.

Don't worry, there will be more pictures and news of adventures!

Ok, we made it to Dubois WY yesterday.  Population 900.  We had lunch and dinner here.  We also had fun at the outlaw saloon.

I'm off to have a home made donut at the local breakfast place before we hit the road to Jackson through the mountains.  I'll post pictures of yesterday's adventures and today's adventures later today!

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mt. Rushmore, Casper and maybe a few things we forgot to mention.

 It was only a 12 mile ride from Hill City to Mt. Rushmore.  The road was full of curves and it was a joy to lean into the road.  When we got to the park, there was a special motorcycle lane which then led to a parking garage.  My first parking garage on a motorcycle!

Cindy and Maria were loving the scene at Rushmore!
Scott got some incredible pictures!

All of the flags from each state.
We stayed for about an hour and then we got back on the road which basically looked like this!

Miles of fields with an open road stretched out in front of us.  I held the group back in the morning.  I felt a lot of wind pushing the bike, the road wasn't in the best of shape and all the trucks, cars and campers made it a very interesting experience as they flew by me on the other side of the road.

We had lunch in a tiny cafe in the middle of no where.  We drove 100 miles and didn't see anything but fields.  The little town was called LUSK and since we had another 100 to go, we decided to gas up and the last chance gas station.

One of us entertained himself on the road by taking a selfie as he rode his bike at 70 mph.  Do not try this ever!
So the day was mostly riding through fields with nothing around.  We did see an incredibly long train full of cars full of coal.  Maria stopped counting at 113 cars.

Not a lot of pictures today but I did forget to post this from two days ago.  We met a guy named Dirk who was pulling a trailer behind his Gold Wing.  The trailer pops into a tent complete with a queen size bed.  Check it out!
Another great day with great friends.  To life and living behind bars!

Devil's Tower, Dead Wood and Sturgis

It was a 300 mile day.  We started at 7:15 am from our hotel in Buffalo, WY.  After gassing up, we got on Rt. 90 for about 90 miles.  Julie had instructed Cindy to keep it at 65 mph but after a few miles, Julie wanted to go 70 so she took off and passed all the Bikes and roared by Cindy hoping to communicate she wanted to go faster.  Cindy thought Julie just wanted to lead and see the wide open road.  We figured out signals when we stopped at Burger King to take a rest from the highway.  We got off road to go to  Devil's Tower which was really an awesome detour (thanks Carol!).

The road to Devil's tower was full of curves and a cool ride.  The cool thing about it is the legend.  There were 7 girls who were running from a bear and they jumped on a rock praying to God to save them.  God answered their prayer and made the rock grow.  The striations on the rock are from the bear claws trying to get the girls.  The rock went all the way up into the sky and the 7 girls became the constellation Pleiades!  It was a very awesome ride in and out.

After Devil's Tower, we made our way to Dead Wood.  There were lots of bikes there since it is so close to Sturgis.

The street was lined with Bikes on both sides.  The noise was deafening and the parade of bikes was constant.  We had lunch in Dead Wood at Kevin Costner's place the Diamond Bar and Grill.

After eating, we went to the Harley Store and walked the streets looking at the bikes.  The next stop was the Sturgis Ralley  Scott took this picture from his bike.  I'm the rider with the pink coat, Danny is ahead of me, then Bill is behind the mustang.

.  We rode in and stopped at the BMW store to look around and get a t shirt.

Now, Scott wants to write something.  Take it away Scott....Okay, now I can admit that there was an issue with my Beamer. During transportation, a burr on my front fork caused a ratchet-strap to fray and snap. The bike fell on Julie's Harley and broke my front brake assembly. Thank God, Bill discovered it early before any real damage was done.  He used his engineering experience and fixed the problem with multiple ratchet straps.  At first we thought I was done for but it turned out that I had little to no brakes only for the first two minutes after the bike was started each time. That still sucked because sometime I would forget about it after leaving a gas station, etc. I also had no cruise control at all. (I know, I was really roughing it). BUT, after two days of fiddling with it, I figured out a fix and with 2 tie-wraps that I had, and a rubber band and electrical tape that supplied by Bill, all is as it was; I had full brakes and cruise control. The BMW dealer said it would cost $519 to replace it but Danny found the part on eBay and bought it for me for $44!  Thank you Danny!

 After seeing what Deadwood was like, I opted out of driving into Sturgis.  I left my bike at the BMW dealer and rode into the fray with Scott.  It was like nothing I had ever seen.

By some miracle, Bill, Danny and Scott were able to find a parking place.  Cindy and Maria went a block off the main drag and parked at a church.  There were blocks and blocks of bikes.  The people watching was nothing like I have ever seen.  There are pictures I can't post on line of some of the people.  Let me just say painted bodies and let your mind take it from there.

We left Sturgis and headed for Hill City which was about an hour ride through the Black Hills of South Dakota.  There were so many Bikers and the people watching was great on the road as well.  Since my top speed is 70 I could tell it was killing Bill who was riding ahead of me to have these Hogs go around him, his BMW was chomping at the bit.

We pulled into our Hotel at 6 and walked to the "Rooster" for dinner and enjoyed some live music from this Jiu Jitsu fighter guy who played a mean guitar.  Seriously, he was going to Las Vegas to compete.  In addition to his theatrical playing he could have kicked everyone's ass in the bar simultaneously.  You can't make this stuff up.

I went and took a hot tub at the Hotel and we watched the sun go down over the Black Hills.

What a beautiful country.  As Danny said, the people on each coast may have the oceans but the Creator made some beautiful sights for the middle of the country!